Casa Caffe Holiday Break

Casa Caffe Holiday Break

The Casa Cafe will take a Holiday break from 12/22/24 to 1/3/25Thank you for a fabulous year!Buon Natale a tutti   Get your panettone 20% percent off through Saturday the...
Audio/Video Challenge – Year’s End Deadline

Audio/Video Challenge – Year’s End Deadline

Year End Donor Challenge: Raise eight thousand dollars by the end of the tax year & it will be matched! In support of the Audio/Video system needs for the upstairs hall, an anonymous donor has issued a challenge to fans of Casa:   Donate $8,000.00 dollars by...
Saturdays this Winter – sign up for Italian class at Casa

Saturdays this Winter – sign up for Italian class at Casa

Sign-up link here! We’ve teamed up again with Dr. Claudio Mazzola (featured photo), Associate Teaching Professor in Italian at the University of Washington in Seattle to teach our next Italian language class onsite! From Milan, Italy, Dr. Mazzola...
Funding to get to 2025, Your help needed.

Funding to get to 2025, Your help needed.

October, for Casa is a pivotal month, we need your help. October is Italian Heritage month, it is the anniversary of the purchase of the Casa property, and it is a tax month.  Hopefully you have had a chance to celebrate our culture at one of the many events produced...
Piazza Di Popolo…add your brick to our Piazza!

Piazza Di Popolo…add your brick to our Piazza!

Piazza Di Popolo is on its way! Not too late to purchase a brick. Huge shout out to Mike Albanese for organizing, managing, and building this project! Thank you to all who have participated so far. Purchasing a brick at our future piazza is a great gift! Up to three...