Honorary Consulate of Italy – Seattle
Consolato Onorario d’Italia – Seattle
States of Washington, Idaho and Montana
Please read a recent interview with Elisabetta Valentini.

Honorary Consulate
(EN) The Honorary Consulate of Italy of the State of Washington- Idaho and Montana belongs to the consular network under the Consulate General of Italy in San Francisco.
The Honorary Consul is a volunteer who carries out limited support activities compared to the Consulate General. Decree on limited duties (in Italian)
Please contact the Honorary Consul directly for any questions regarding consular services.
Consolato Onorario
(IT) Consolato Onorario d’Italia dello Stato di Washington, Idaho e Montana appartiene alla rete consolare del Consolato Generale d’Italia di San Francisco.
Il Console Onorario opera come volontario e svolge attività di supporto limitate rispetto al Consolato Generale. Decreto limitazione funzioni.
Si prega di contattare direttamente il Consolato Onorario per ulteriori informazioni. Grazie!
Contact Information
Honorary Consul/Console Onorario:
Ms. Elisabetta VALENTINI
13028 First Ave S., Burien WA 98168
By appointment – su appuntamento
New or Renewed Italian Passports
We are pleased to announce that you can now make an appointment with the Office of the Italian Honorary Consulate in Seattle to submit your fingerprints in order to renew your Italian passport.
Due to the current COVID-19 public health crisis and the recent restrictions to Consular Offices, the Honorary Consulate in Seattle has resumed the activity to the public ONLY for appointments confirmed by email by the office for passports already expired or close to their expiration date for Italian citizens who do not have another passport to travel with, and/or who show proof of legitimate emergency AND WHO CANNOT TRAVEL TO SAN FRANCISCO.
Note: the fingerprint service is available only for Italian citizens registered with the AIRE (Associazione Italiani residenti all’Estero) https://conssanfrancisco.esteri.it/consolato_sanfrancisco/en/i_servizi/per_i_cittadini/anagrafe
Italian Citizenship Applications
Please find all the information and required documentation to apply for an Italian citizenship at:
The Honorary Consulate in Seattle does not process Citizenship applications and you need to refer to the General Consulate in San Francisco. For more information, please contact our Cittadinanza Office at: cittadinanza.sanfrancisco@esteri.it

ADULTS (forms to be presented at the appointment):
– copy of US passport
– copy of green card (if not in possession of US passport)
– copy of naturalization (if naturalized)
– two USPS envelopes
(Please click on each line for the related document)
MINORS 12 years and OLDER (Forms to be presented at the appointment):
– copy of US passport
– copy of green card (if not in possession of US passport)
– copy of naturalization (if naturalized)
– two USPS envelopes
(Please click on each line for the related document)